OBD-II Diagnostico Mecanica Automotriz

Codigos OBD-ll - P1000 - P1098 [obd - 2da Generacion]

Codigos de Falla OBDII

Esta es una recopilación de codigos OBDII y su descripción.
Te invitamos a compartir tus experiencias, similitudes y posibles soluciones con otros usuarios y/o mecanicos en foromecanicos.com
P1000 Transmission Solenoid Malfunction - OBD II Test Incomplete (Mazda)
P1000 Monitor Testing Not Complete (Ford)
P1001 KOER Not Able To Complete, KOER Aborted (Ford)
P1083 Fuel Control Mixture Lean (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (BMW)
P1084 Fuel Control Mixture Rich (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (BMW)
P1085 Fuel Control Mixture Lean (Bank 2 Sensor 1)
P1086 Fuel Control Mixture Rich (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (BMW)
P1087 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Lean Control Range (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (BMW)
P1088 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Rich Control Range (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (BMW)
P1089 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Lean Control Range (Bank 1 Sensor 2) (BMW)
P1090 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Lean Bank 1 (BMW)
P1091 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Rich Bank 1 (BMW)
P1092 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Lean Bank 2 (BMW)
P1093 Pre-Catalyst Fuel Trim Too Rich Bank 2 (BMW)
P1094 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response in Rich Control Range (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (BMW)
P1095 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Switching From Lean to Rich (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (BMW)
P1096 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Switching From Lean to Rich (Bank 2 Sensor 1) (BMW)
P1097 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response after Coast Down Fuel Cutoff (Bank 1 Sensor 1) (BMW)
P1098 O2 Sensor Circuit Slow Response after Coast Down Fuel Cutoff (Bank 2 Sensor 2) (BMW)
2025 Actualizacion constante. automecanico.com